
photographic society of wojnicz fotum

The Photographic Society of Wojnicz Fotum (Poland) is a group of photographers, whose main activities are focused around exploration and promotion of art photography. The society has its origins in a Photography Workshop which had been launched in the town’s center of culture in 2000 in Wojnicz (Poland). And since that time it has been offering courses of photography for anyone interested. Throughout the years, the Photography Workshop has had many participants. And from the beginning the role of instructor has been taken by Krzysztof Stos, who is also one of the founders of the project. Also, over the years over a dozen exhibitions have been organized in a range of venues. Some of which have been unusual e.g. “Przystanek fotografia” (Bus stop: Photography) taking place in an operating city bus or “Fotokoncert” (Photoconcert) which was a combination of a photography presentation and a live rock concert. Currently the society consists of 32 members and the function of its president holds Maciej Babiarz.
The Photographic Society of Wojnicz Fotum annually organizes the Wojnicz International Salon of Photography and Wojnicz Photo Print Salon of Photography. Furthermore, organizes lectures and meetings, internal photo competitions, photo shoots, classes aimed at developing techniques of traditional and digital photography. Each year the society organizes collective and individual exhibitions for its members.

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