
wishing you joy: happy new year and merry christmas holidays


As we approach the New Year of 2024, I would like to reflect on the past year and express my gratitude for everything that has been achieved in the field of photography in Macedonia. The world of photography is constantly evolving, and I am proud to be part of a community that is consistently pushing boundaries and striving for perfection. Whether we are capturing breathtaking landscapes, narrating important stories, or simply documenting the beauty of everyday life, we are all united by a common passion for the art of photography. I hope the New Year brings hope and excitement for the future. Let’s continue to support each other, share our knowledge and experiences, and work together to inspire and uplift one another.

I wish you a happy and successful New Year, and I look forward to witnessing the creative photos we will produce as a community of photographers.

With respect,
Marina Atanasovic
President of Photo Club Kumanovo

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