
Category : news

30 Aug 2024

Free photo school

Photo club Kumanovo in the period October 2024 – June 2025 organizes a free art photography school in which everyone interested can take part. The photo school will be thematically divided into two parts. The first part will include lectures on the history and philosophy of photography as well as the technical (analog photography and film, aperture, exposure, ISO sensitivity, focus) and aesthetic (frame, composition, color, texture, etc.) segments of photographic art. The second part of the school will be […]

08 Mar 2024

Women and photography 2024

The exhibition “Women and Photography 2024” is a true testament to the talent and creativity of women photographers in Macedonia. Opened on International Women’s Day, this exhibition not only marks this significant day, but also celebrates the inclusion and success of women in the field of photography. With the participation of 48 photographers and with more than 270 photographs, the exhibition offers a rich overview of different styles, themes, and perspectives. Each photograph is unique and carries a strong message, […]

05 Feb 2024

Kumanovo Photo Club held an annual meeting

On February 3, 2024, at the premises of the Photo Club Kumanovo, the club’s annual meeting took place. During the assembly, the activities of the past year were reviewed, alongside the plans for 2024. Neda Arsenievska was recognized as the most active member for 2023. In addition to ongoing projects such as “Women and Photography,” “Malinski Photo Festival,” and international salons like “Photo Story” and “Igra,” the club introduced new and returning projects for the year: “Kokino,” “Koriton,” and “Mound.” […]

29 Dec 2023

wishing you joy: happy new year and merry christmas holidays

Dear, As we approach the New Year of 2024, I would like to reflect on the past year and express my gratitude for everything that has been achieved in the field of photography in Macedonia. The world of photography is constantly evolving, and I am proud to be part of a community that is consistently pushing boundaries and striving for perfection. Whether we are capturing breathtaking landscapes, narrating important stories, or simply documenting the beauty of everyday life, we are […]

28 Oct 2023

opening of the photo story exhibition

Photo Club Kumanovo recently hosted a captivating Photo Story Exhibition, featuring 2,916 images from 134 participants across 40 different countries. The event highlighted the diversity and creativity thriving in the global photography community. To ensure the exhibition’s quality, a distinguished panel of judges, including Bojan Petrovic (EFIAP, Serbia), Krzysztof Stós (EFIAP, President PSW Fotum, Poland), and Alperen Akharman (EFIAP/s – CR1, Turkey), evaluated the submissions. On October 27, 2023, the opening night showcased a curated selection of the submitted images […]

25 Oct 2023

a solo exhibition of vladimir jovanovski in kragujevac

On October 25, 2023, a solo exhibition by Vladimir Jovanovski titled “Shores” was opened in the Gjuro Jaksic gallery in Kragujevac. Vladimir Jovanovski’s collection of aerial photographs, which contains incredible footage captured by a drone, is an incredible testament to the art of nature and the seamless fusion of two contrasting elements – water and land. This mesmerizing collection not only showcases the photographer’s technical prowess, but also captures the essence of life on the delicate border where these two […]

21 Sep 2023

virtual exhibition of photographs by vladimir jovanovski

On September 21, 2023, the Beyşehir Photo Club organized a virtual exhibition featuring photos by Kumanovo Photo Club member Vladimir Jovanovski. The exhibition, a testament to Jovanovski’s artistic prowess, unfolded in a digital landscape where pixels replaced canvases, and screens served as windows into a world of visual narratives. As visitors navigated through the virtual gallery, they encountered a fusion of colors, emotions, and perspectives encapsulated in each frame. The ethereal ambiance of the online space added a layer of […]

06 Sep 2023

macedonian love story

The projection “Macedonian Love Story” comprises approximately 450 captivating photographs, showcasing the enchanting natural beauty, historical landmarks, churches, monasteries, traditions, and traditional costumes of Macedonia. This visually stunning exhibition was showcased at the United Nations in Geneva on September 6, 2023. The visionary behind this project is Gonca Perunkovska, a resident and artist based in Switzerland. The talented photographers contributing to this mesmerizing display include Nace Popov, Biljana Jurukovski, Vladimir Jovanovski (from the Kumanovo Photo Club), Dule Damjanovski, Gordan Ristovski, […]

05 Sep 2023

malinski photo festival

In the heart of the Balkans, nestled between picturesque landscapes and rich cultural heritage, the Malinski Photo Festival unfolded, a celebration of visual storytelling and the art of photography. As the sun dipped below the horizon, Kumanovo played host to the inaugural day of this extraordinary event. Day 1: Kumanovo [September 1, 2023] The festival kicked off at the Artisan House, where the Global Photo Union (GPU) International Exhibition took center stage at 7:00 p.m. A mesmerizing array of photographs […]

31 May 2023

photo club kumanovo included in the erasmus+ project

The president of the Kumanovo Photo Club, Marina Atanasović, participated in the Erasmus+ project at OOU ‘Toli Zordumis.’ During the project, she delivered several lectures to ninth and eighth-grade students on the subject of artistic photography. Subsequently, Marina conducted field training sessions to familiarize students with the use of professional DSLR camera. The captivating stories captured through the students’ lenses were showcased at the final exhibition, held at the Art Gallery in Kumanovo on May 18, 2023, at 19:00. The […]