
Free photo school

Photo club Kumanovo in the period October 2024 – June 2025 organizes a free art photography school in which everyone interested can take part.

The photo school will be thematically divided into two parts. The first part will include lectures on the history and philosophy of photography as well as the technical (analog photography and film, aperture, exposure, ISO sensitivity, focus) and aesthetic (frame, composition, color, texture, etc.) segments of photographic art. The second part of the school will be dedicated to digital photo manipulation and using Adobe Photoshop.

During the photo school, several photo-safari gatherings will be organized in Kumanovo and the surrounding area. Also, the heads of the photo school will make an effort to provide lectures by famous domestic and international photographers in order to bring the students closer to the current trends in artistic photography. Advanced photo courses on topics such as black and white (noir) photography, astrophotography and photography titles are also planned, the Photo Club informs.

The lectures will be held by the experienced photographer Vladimir Jovanovski, together with the president of the Kumanovo photo club – Marina Krstić and Stefan Ilievski.

The lectures will be held in the premises of the Kumanovo photo club at the address “Titova Mitrovacka” no. 2, Gotse Delchev settlement, 1300, Kumanovo.

The students who complete the photo school will receive a certificate for the completed course issued by the Kumanovo Photo Club and will thus be entitled to become members of the club. A cross-section of the most successful photos of the course participants will be exhibited at the Malinska Photo Festival 2025.

For registration or more information, contact us at the email address photoclubkumanovo@gmail.com.

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