
pc kumanovo organizes a free photography course

Ever since the formation of photo club Kumanovo, the purpose and the idea of ​​it was spreading and developing of photographic culture. So with that goal each year the club organizes photo besplata school where registered students will have the opportunity to gain more knowledge in the field of artistic photography, the history of the development of photography umetsnost the first cameras, most prominent photographers and their work and achievement photography as art, photography techniques and so on.
The course in photography will begin on September 15, and the registration of attendance of the course are already underway. For all information and questions that have interested in attending the course can get on our email: photoclubkumanovo@gmail.com, at the club Str. Tito Mitrovachka No.2 or club profile facebook. The course will be run by renowned authors in recent years the club and city have earned him many awards, among them Vladimir Jovanovski, Marina Krstic Aleksandar Dragishevski.
Classes for maintenance of the course on weekends, where every Saturday hours will be held which will be studied theoretical part and a practical part week of instruction.
The course will be for duration of 9 months and will be divided into several sections, including: analog photography lab, composition theory, practice and digital lab that is studying the Photoshop program.
With the completion of the course and learning the intended curriculum, students take a test where every student who successfully pass it obtains a diploma for successfully completing a course in art photography.
Completing the course is “Mainski Photo Festival”, where participants will exhibit their photographs club exhibition.

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