On the occasion of International Women’s Day March 8, photo club Kumanovo and this year traditionally found in the role of organizer of the exhibition “Women in Photography 2016 ‘. The setting of the exhibition and the opening of this has been in the NUCK “Trajko Prokopiev” in Kumanovo, where lovers of photography will have the opportunity to follow in the next two weeks.On the occasion of International Women’s Day March 8, photo club Kumanovo and this year traditionally found in the role of organizer of the exhibition “Women in Photography 2016 ‘. The setting of the exhibition and the opening of this has been in the NUCK “Trajko Prokopiev” in Kumanovo, where lovers of photography will have the opportunity to follow in the next two weeks.

This year the exhibition was interclub where participated more authors, members of clubs in Macedonia and independent authors. The exhibition presented 26 authors with about 50 photographs in color and black and white.
– A woman is the motive of many poets, painters, writers, but when it comes to picture it appears not only as an inspiration for photographers, but also actively involved in the process of shooting, making the photograph and transfer the acquired knowledge appears to photography as art. Women are more sensitive and more subtle than men and therefore better notice the details. It is a gift of nature and a little dexterity to catch a real staff, it turns out excellent photography. No chivalry in photography and fellow photographers began seriously consider women with camera seeing them as serious competition – says Marina Krstic selector of the exhibition.