
realized lecture on women in art – today

On the eve of International Women’s Day, March 8, the Photo Club Kumanovo, in collaboration with Koco Racin Elementary School, organized a lecture titled ‘Women in Art – Today.’ The event aimed to ignite creative sparks in young schoolgirls, encouraging them towards more liberated artistic expression and an open embrace of the world of art.

On March 8, International Women’s Day serves as a poignant reminder to pause, reflect, and celebrate the remarkable progress women have achieved throughout history. It is a history marked by the courageous efforts of dignified women who fought for an improved position in all spheres of society. Their struggle paves the way for a society liberated from the shackles of gender inequality—a society ready to embrace change and confront new challenges.

Students had the privilege of hearing from distinguished Kumanovo women, notable figures in the realm of art in our society: Aleksandra Mihajlovska (actor), Ivana Jovanovska Kuzmanovska (photographer), and Marina Atanasovic (teacher-photographer). These accomplished artists delivered an enlightening presentation on the impact of women in various societal spheres through art, emphasizing the profound influence women wield in uplifting communities through their actions and social initiatives.

Following the insightful lectures, a workshop (a brief photo school) was conducted by our club members. This hands-on photo education session included field teaching, where students, alongside their trainers, ventured into the neighborhood and beyond to capture images encapsulating the essence of ‘woman’—be it as a mother, sister, friend, or the cornerstone of family and society. The resulting photos portrayed the multifaceted nature of women, embodying their strength, vulnerability, and visionary spirit in all its diverse moods.

The best photographic records, which the eighth and ninth grade students will make, will be exhibited at the Women and Photography exhibition, which is traditionally held on March 8, at the “Trajko Prokopiev” culture center in Kumanovo.

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