Creative creation and presentation of the active members of the Photo Club Kumanovo in our country and on international exhibitions of art photography in the past brought many awards.
As one of the most important awards, members of the club following: Bronze Medal and Diploma of the international exhibition in Poland “Wojnicz International Salon 2016”, Diploma of international exhibition in Bosnia and Herzegovina “Banja Luka 2016″ Bronze Medal at the International Exhibition in Iran ” Khayyam International exhibition of photography “, diplomas of the exhibition in Montenegro” Gradac 2016′.

International exhibitions in Turkey “International Photography Competition KONYA 2016 ‘and’ MOF 2016 ‘, members are winning the bronze medal and a diploma.
In the past period they were implemented several activities to promote and animate art photography. So our members held a lecture in the field of art photography in a friendly PCC Prilep in Prilep.