For the seventh time, the Photo Club Kumanovo is organizing a free art photography school, open to all interested citizens. The photo school will be divided into two parts:
A) The history, technical, and artistic aspects of photography.
B) Digital processing of photographs.
During the photo school, several photo safaris will be organized in Kumanovo and the surrounding area. Additionally, the heads of the photo school will make an effort to arrange lectures by famous domestic and international photographers to explore current trends in artistic photography.
The lectures will be held by Vladimir Jovanovski and Marina Atanasovic (president), together with other members of the Photo Club Kumanovo. The lectures will take place in the premises of the Photo Club Kumanovo at the address: Titova Mitrovacka no. 2, nas. Gotse Delchev, 1300, Kumanovo.
Students who complete the photo school will receive a certificate for the course issued by the Photo Club Kumanovo, granting them the opportunity to become members of the PC Kumanovo. A selection of the most successful photographs from the course participants will be exhibited at the Malinska Photo Festival 2023.
All those interested can apply via email at or through our Facebook page. Please include your name, surname, phone number, and email in your application.
Go ahead, join in!