
Category : news

15 Aug 2018

marina krstic won a gold medal

At the circuit exhibition of art photography Shadow Hunter Circuit 2018, organized by the Club of Infinity Photo Gallery – Doboj, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Lumière`s Beam Photographic Agency – Kragujevac, Serbia and Photo Club Krk – Krk, Croatia, the club president won the PSA gold medal for photography “3 Windows” in section Architecture in Kragujevac. About 350 authors were registered at the exhibition and over 4,000 photographs were received in 12 different sections rated by 9 jury members, Marina managed […]

08 Aug 2018

photographic safari – prespa 2018

After long negotiations and rescheduling, the members of the photo club Kumanovo decided to realize the planned analog photo-safari trip with FCC Bitola. The agreed date was the weekend of 23-24 June. Marina, Stefan and Sandra made up the first team that was due to arrive in Bitola on Saturday, June 23. At the headquarters of FCC Bitola they were welcomed by Kosta, Dimitar and other members of the club. After a brief presentation about the photo-equipment and the basics […]

08 Aug 2018

sixth day – malinski photo festival 2018

As the last of the program, the sixth day of the festival took place in the municipality of Kratovo. Because of the authenticity of the town of Kratovo, photo safari were organized for the guests, where they had the opportunity better to know the place from the locals. In the Museum of the Municipality of Kratovo, Ivana Kocov from Bitola has her own solo exhibition of photographs. The author presented about 50 photographs that were presented under the name “Box […]

08 Aug 2018

fifth day – kumanovo – malinski photo festival 2018

On the second day and fifth in a row of the festival program, several photo exhibitions were opened in Kumanovo during the whole day. In the NICC “Trajko Prokopiev”, was opened the interclub exhibition “Circle 2018” in which the authors of FC Kumanovo from Kumanovo and Photo Group “FORMAT” from Cacak, Serbia competed. The exhibition, traditionally fifth year is part of the festival and has a competitive character where the best photographs are acquired with awards and recognitions. The first […]

08 Aug 2018

fourth day – kumanovo – malinski photo festival 2018

As a center of photographic events in Kumanovo, a series of events in the field of photography took place over the next two days. At the Theater Kumanovo, the presentation for the project “For Macedonian Photography” was presented by Vladimir Jovanovski and Stefan Ilievski. This project is an attempt to preserve the rich photographic work of the Republic of Macedonia. The members of FK Kumanovo are deeply convinced that this project contributes to the history of Macedonian photography as part […]

08 Aug 2018

third day – sveti nikole – malinski photo festival 2018

As the third in row of the Malinski Photo Festival program, solo exhibition of photographs by Vladimir Milicevic from Serbia was opened at the Cultural Center “Krste Petkov Misirkov” in Sveti Nikole. Vladimir Milicevic was born in Paracin, Republic of Serbia and is actively engaged in photography. In 2012 he receives the photographic honor F1 FSS (photographer first class) at the Photo Association of Serbia, and two years later the international artistic honor AFIAP. At the exhibition, the author presented […]

08 Aug 2018

second day – stip – malinski photo festival 2018

In the Art Gallery “Bezisten” Stip was opened the solo exhibition of photographs of Kosta Dupcinov from Bitola as part of the Malinska Photo Festival. At the exhibition, the authors presented about 20 photos of his work so far. Otherwise, Kosta Dupcinov is a renowned photographer from Macedonia where he has participated in more than 50 exhibitions where he has won about 20 awards and recognitions. His photographs, for the third year in a row, are part of the collection […]

07 Aug 2018

first day – kriva palanka – malinski photo festival 2018

The Club Exhibition of Photo Club Kumanovo – TUMBA was opened in the LI City Museum Kriva Palanka. This exhibition was the first in the series of the festival’s rich program. About 40 photos of the members of the Photo Club Kumanovo were exhibited at the exhibition. The exhibition had free theme where the authors of the club presented themselves with their current work. The exhibition was opened by the president of the club Marina Krstić and the director of […]

07 Aug 2018

opening ceremony of the fifth jubilee – malinski photo festival 2018

This year, “Malinski Photo Festival” was held for the fifth time and symbolically in five municipalities in Macedonia. To our great satisfaction, the festival is supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Macedonia, as well as by the local self-governments of Kumanovo, Kriva Palanka, Kratovo, Stip and Sveti Nikole. The festival started on May 21 in Kriva Palanka and ended on May 27 in Kratovo. The program included a number of club exhibitions, solo exhibitions, photo exhibitions, […]

14 Mar 2018

opening ceremony – women and photography 2015

Exhibition of art photography “Women and Photography” was opened in the exhibition salon of the Centre for Culture “Trajko Prokiopiev” in Kumanovo, coordinated and organized by Photo Club Kumanovo. Last year’s solo club exhibition grew into an inter club exhibition. The club holds famous authors from Macedonia and further, who in a relatively short amount of time were able to take home numerous awards and success. The staging counts around 40 photographs from 20 authors from Photo Club Kumanovo, Photo […]