
Category : news

08 Apr 2016

opening ceremony – women and photography 2016

On the occasion of International Women’s Day March 8, photo club Kumanovo and this year traditionally found in the role of organizer of the exhibition “Women in Photography 2016 ‘. The setting of the exhibition and the opening of this has been in the NUCK “Trajko Prokopiev” in Kumanovo, where lovers of photography will have the opportunity to follow in the next two weeks.On the occasion of International Women’s Day March 8, photo club Kumanovo and this year traditionally found […]

10 Mar 2016

awards as a recognition for success to the photo club kumanovo

The work of the members of PC Kumanovo always results with winning awards as confirmation of their quality, skill and creativity in the field of art photography.As before, photographers of our club, on the exhibitions in and outside the country won many medals and diplomas for their photographs. On the international exhibition “Play 2016 ” Stefan Petrovski won the IAAP Ribbon for the photo titled” Ghost Story “, and Zaklina Stefanovska also won IAAP Ribbon for the photo” The reaper and the rice”. On […]

03 Nov 2015

members of pc kumanovo in their best light

The tireless exhibitory activities of the members of Photo Club Kumanovo. The past two weeks resulted in an acceptance of awards at international exhibitions from around the world. The series of successes began with Vladimir Jovanovski, who won a FIAP diploma at the “CIPAE” exhibition in Egypt for his black and white photograph. The awards kept coming in, continuing with international exhibitions in Macedonia, from “Illusion” which is organized in Kicevo, a PSA ribbon was awarded to Sofija Petkovska. At […]

08 Oct 2015

gold in kumanovo

The creative range of members of photo club Kumanovo was again confirmed by the awards of several international exhibitions of artistic photography. The past two weeks the photo club use to present their works at exhibitions in Serbia that carried the names Beograd Photo and Shadows (Shadows). These traditional exhibitions this year had a large influx of artists from more than 60 countries, and for that reason we consider awards dear to us, but they are particularly important to both […]

08 Oct 2015

pc kumanovo organizes a free photography course

Ever since the formation of photo club Kumanovo, the purpose and the idea of ​​it was spreading and developing of photographic culture. So with that goal each year the club organizes photo besplata school where registered students will have the opportunity to gain more knowledge in the field of artistic photography, the history of the development of photography umetsnost the first cameras, most prominent photographers and their work and achievement photography as art, photography techniques and so on. The course […]

10 Aug 2015

we continue with success

Photo club Kumanovo continues its creative and educational activities in the field of photography. The members of the Photo Club Kumanovo exhibited their photographs at exhibitions in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Luxembourg and Ukraine. As the most successful author last month proved Marina Krstic which even managed to win two awards at international exhibitions of photography in Serbia, which exhibited more than 300 photographers from 60 countries. “I was pleasantly surprised when the results came from Gradac photo exhibition. Although […]

10 Jul 2015

opening ceremony – malinski photo festival 2015

On June 6th 2015, Kumanovo was taken over by the Spirit of photography. With its second year in a row, photo club Kumanovo successfully accomplished it’s project “Malinski Photo Festival” the members of the club, with their ideas and creativity took equal part in the realization of this project, and akth open doors welcomed their guests. With over 300 exhibited photographs and with over 200 authors fdom local and worldwide lengths, became a result of the effort and selection process the members had put in, […]

02 May 2015

more diplomas in pc kumanovo

Photo club Kumanovo, from Kumanovo continues with its successes and acceptances in this period as well. Many of the club members participated and presented themselves with numerous photos on international and home photography exhibitions. They have taken a lot of certificates and recognitions. Last week to one of the most fruitful members Zaklina Stefanovska was given diploma for her photography called “The riper and the rice”, on the prestigious international salon of art photography “Good Light” in Kragujevac, Serbia. She […]

27 Apr 2015

continuing the success

Photo club “Kumanovo” in 2015 continued the tradition of organizing exhibitions of art photography. Members of the photo club “Kumanovo” from the start of the year, won numerous awards at national and international level.Vladimir Jovanovski took two diplomas in Bulgaria and Serbia and one in Egypt and Marina Krstic won a bronze medal at an international exhibition in Serbia. The Olympics of young technicians, Venco Stefanovski took first prize at the regional level. As part of the project “Malinski Photo […]

16 Feb 2015

solo exhibition – garik avanesian

In the local town museum of Kriva Palanka, this year was the opening of the photographic exhibition of the Czech photographer Garik Avanesian. At the exhibition he presented 70 photographs from this prominent Czech photographer. The exhibition was a result of the good cooperation that the Museum has with photo club Kumanovo, wherein the last few years they organized exhibitions for significant world famous photographers that were exhibited in this very town. His photographs were shot in the past 10 […]